How to create a Parent Pathways caseload subscription

Why is this Important?
With Parent Pathways Subscriptions, you can effortlessly sync essential caseload data into Job Ready. This eliminates the need to manage records on separate platforms, ensuring that all your data appears in Job Ready with daily updates. 

How to Create a Subscription

You Will Need:

  • The Parent Pathways program enabled in your Job Ready site.
  • ESP access in ESS, ensuring your reporting role is set to 'ESP.'

  1. Login to ECSN

    • Navigate to Employment Services Reporting.
  2. Select Reports

    • From the main menu, select Reports.
    • Use the search bar to locate the desired subscription report. The subscription code for Parent Pathways Caseload data is Sub590.
    • Click on the Sonar icon next to the Sub590 Caseload subscription.
  3. Configure Filters

    • In the filters section, use the following settings:
      • Region: All
      • Site: All
      • Timing: Daily
  4. Specify the Date Range

    • For date-sensitive data, enter the start and end dates as follows:
      • Start Date: Select the date you want the data to start syncing. For instance, if set to 01/06/2021, caseload data will appear in Job Ready from this date onward.
      • End Date: Set this to a future date, such as 30/01/2050, to allow continuous syncing.
  5. Enter Subscription Details

    • Add your organisation’s information and name your subscription in the following format:


  6. Generate the Report

    • Click View Report.
    • Once the success message confirms the creation, navigate back to the ESR homepage.
  7. Finalise in Job Ready

    • Go to your Job Ready application and visit Admin -> ESS Subscriptions.
    • Locate the subscription type corresponding to Sub590 and click Edit.
    • Select the entry matching the report name and click Save.

Note: Data for your new Parent Pathways subscription will appear in Job Ready after the next data sync, which occurs overnight.

For more details on managing ESS subscriptions, please refer to the ESS Self-Service: Managing Subscriptions in Job Ready resource.

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