Adding Job Match Attributes to a Job Seeker Profile

JobMatch Attributes are a set of tags that can be used to help categorise a Job Seeker or a Vacancy. These tags will enable you to find Job Seekers who have the same Job Match Attributes as Vacancies and vice versa. These attributes are present in Job Ready. As you allocate the attributes to a Job Seeker and a Vacancy these will also be seen when interacting with The Jobs Board.

Both a Job Seeker and a Vacancy can be searched by using the Job Match category and attribute tags that have been allocated to them.

To add attributes to a Job Seeker profile select Job Match in the index list on the Job Seekers profile page.


From the Job Match index page, you can edit the Headline and Summary, Categories and Attributes relating to that particular Job Seeker. Select Edit adjacent to the section you wish to update.


Headline and Summary

In this window, a headline and summary of the Job Seeker's attributes can be added.


To save select Add Headline and Summary.


This will now be visible on the Job Match index page.


In this window, you can scroll through the categories of employment and industry that suit the Job Seeker and allocate as needed. There is no limit to the number of categories that can be added. To select a category check the box.


The categories will now appear below in the Selected section.

To save select Update.


These will now be visible on the Job Match index page.


In this window, you can scroll through the attributes that suit the Job Seeker and allocate as needed. There is no limit to the number of attributes that can be added. To select an attribute check the box.


The attributes will now appear below in the Selected section.

When complete select Update.


After the attributes have been added, you can now search for the Job Seeker using the attributes and categories you have allocated to their profile.




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