JobReady.Live Weekly Release - 20/02/17

What's new in JobReady Live?

The following items were completed on the release:

DLM (Dissemination Limiting Marker) on system generated files

We have appended the files that the system generates with [DLM=Sensitive] to indicate that they are to be distributed with caution. This update affects the following areas:

  • XML exports from the Expenses Export page
  • PDF generated by the File Note printouts
  • PDF generated by the Print Purchase Order feature
  • CSV generated by Export to CSV feature

As an example, please see screenshot below.

Link to Vacancy from a Placement page

You can now go to the Vacancy details from a Placement record by clicking on the Job Title.
This will make it easier for you to access relevant information.

Change of Job Seeker Status label in Job Seeker page
As it mainly shows the details of a Job Seeker's placement, we have renamed this heading to better reflect the information displayed.

Display of Education Placement on Job Seeker Placement area
Following up on last week's development on preparing for Education placements, we have now added a column to indicate whether a Placement is an Education Placement.

Visibility improvement on Note Tagging
Previously, if you tried to save a Note on certain occasions, you may not be allowed to do so without entering a tag.

We have now added in a text to ensure that you're aware what you are missing when saving a note, as well as an indication if the tag you're trying to search for does not exist in the system.

Example on below screenshot.

That concludes this week's release notes.

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