What's new in JobReady Live?
Wage Subsidy is the star of the show this week. Apart from that, some quality of life changes as usual will be detailed below.
Wage Subsidy Expense Workflow
A new Expense Type is now available: Wage Subsidy.
Wage Subsidy has a simplified workflow compared to normal expenses, since it is not considered part of the Employment Fund.
The difference between Wage Subsidy and Employment Fund are as follows:
- It is marked with the text (Non-Employment Fund) to distinguish it from other EF types
- It does not generate an Export file, as it is not to be committed to ESS for reimbursement.
- It is mandatory to link it to a Placement that the Wage Subsidy is intended for. It is not possible to create a Wage Subsidy expense without a Placement.
Apart from the points above, it behaves just like a normal Expense.
New fields on Placement CSV Export
The following fields are made available for exporting from the Placement page:
- Vacancy Work Type
- Marketing/Brokered/Found Own Employment
The validation that a PPS Due Date may not be in the past has been removed.
This is implemented in order to allow record keeping of contacts conducted in the past, if they are not previously recorded in JobReady.
Ability to toggle Next PPS Due Date estimation on/off
A new admin setting has been introduced: Do not change PPS due date if contact is unsuccessful.
This allows you to decide whether you want the system to determine a next due date if a PPS contact is unsuccessful.
Extension of Text Display within PPS comments
The text that is displayed on the PPS comment field has been extended to allow visibility of up to 50 characters.
New Filter on Outcome Tracker page
It is now possible to filter by "Placement Ended" in the Outcome Tracker page.
This allows you to find Placements that has ended but still have claims that are on track.
We have received some queries about Placements not being imported to JobReady.Live. This was due to a new Wage Subsidy type introduced by the Department, and we have now rolled an update to enable this. If you have Placements previously missing with this type of Wage Subsidy, they should now be available.