Job Ready & Ready Resilience Integration - User Guide

This article will walk you through how to set up and use the features for the integrated Ready Resilience tools and resources in Job Ready. 

How to Set Up


To set up the Ready Resilience integration, please raise a Support Request with your Job Ready Support team. Our team will configure the components needed to help you get started.


You will be notified that your Ready Resilience resources are available in your Job Ready platform by your management.

Sending and Completing Attitudinal Surveys

You can send or complete an Attitudinal Survey from any Job Seeker record.

  1. On the Job Seeker record, select Attitudinal Surveys from the bottom panel tab selection.
  2. Click on Send or Complete Attitudinal Survey.
  3. Select your Survey Type from the drop-down menu, then select Complete Now to complete the survey. Alternatively, you can send the survey to the Job Seeker by SMS or Email.
If you choose to send the Attitudinal Survey by SMS or Email, a unique link will generate in the email body or SMS content. Deleting this link will make the survey inaccessible to the Job Seeker.

If you choose to use an SMS or Email template, it is recommended that you copy this link before selecting your template.

Reviewing Attitudinal Surveys

The Attitudinal Surveys tab on the Job Seeker's record will update with case management tools. Once the Job Seeker completes their Attitudinal Survey, the survey results will generate a Job Readiness Stage, an Activation Measurement Score, a Coaching Guide and a set of Digital Exercises.

Their survey records will also be listed in the Assessment History table for your reference. Completed surveys will display the survey's Completed On date, result stage and Activation Score, and the Exercise Completed On date, where applicable.

If you have sent an Attitudinal Survey to a Job Seeker and they have not yet completed it, the survey can be accessed at any time by clicking the Actions Cog on the right side of the Assessment History table.

Using the Coaching Guide

Once the Job Seeker completes their Attitudinal Survey, a Coaching Guide will be generated to use within your appointment discussions. The Coaching Guide will provide you with Coaching Strategies and insights on your Job Seekers based on their Attitudinal Survey results (or Stage). 

Click on the Open Coaching Guide button to review the guide for further coaching strategies and discussion tips.

The guide will open as a PDF document in a new browser tab.

Accessing Digital Exercises

Once the Job Seeker survey has been completed, the Job Seeker's set of Digital Exercises will be automatically generated. Users will be able to launch these activities during support appointments or include as part of the Job Seeker's Action Plan activities. These Digital Exercises can also be sent via SMS or Email to the Job Seeker.

The Digital Exercises are designed to assist Job Seekers to building their own resilience and awareness for their job-seeking practices. This can be discussed during appointments between the Job Seeker and Case Manager, or self-led by the Job Seeker to complete. 

Click on the Send or Open Digital Exercises buttons from your Job Seeker's Attitudinal Surveys tab. 

The Job Seeker's completion status of their Digital Exercises will also be listed in the Assessment History table under the column Exercises Completed On for your reference, where applicable.

Thanks for reading! If you have any further questions about Job Ready's Ready Resilience integration, please raise a support ticket with the Job Ready Support team.


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