Job Ready Release Notes (13/02/2023)

Hi everyone.

We are continuously bringing new improvements, security updates and features to Job Ready. We are pleased to present our latest updates.

Key Changes


Attachment visibility changes when associated with Confidential Notes [Product Idea!]

Attachments linked to confidential notes will now also be hidden from users if they do not have the “Can view confidential notes” permission.

Additional column for JSID on Appointment Results page

A new column for JSID has been added to the Appointment Results page in Job Ready. Additionally, the same column has been added to the Appointment Results CSV export.

Bulk delete Reminders from the All Reminders index page

Reminders can now be deleted in bulk from the All Reminders index page, as shown in the screenshot below:

New filter: Current User Site

The new Current User Site filter allows users to dynamically filter for results based on their Site as set in their User Settings. Filters using the Current User Site filter can be saved and shared to reflect each User's site and can be used when creating Alerts.

Mandatory Delivery Mode when creating a new Health Activity

The Delivery Mode field on the New Health Activity modal can now be made mandatory. You can turn this on under the Allied Health tab in Professional Services Settings.


  • Improved results when filtering on the Indigenous mentoring page.
  • Fixed an issue where Company contact names were not syncing with Employer results.
  • Corrected formatting on dollar values in Wage Subsidies.
  • Fixed an issue causing the create button to display more than once when navigating across different pages in Admin Settings.
  • An issue preventing bulk actions on Employer records when an Employer is created from BDF has been resolved.
  • The "Hours" field on the Outcome Tracker CSV export has been changed to correctly display numerical values.

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