Job Ready Release Notes (12/04/2023)

Hi everyone.

We are continuously bringing new improvements, security updates and features to Job Ready. We are pleased to present our latest updates.

Key Changes



Job Seekers - Attachment Tags Filter [Product Idea!]

Search job seekers more easily and filter based on specific attachments by selecting the Attachment Tags filter on the Job Seeker results page.

The CRN Search End point has now been modified to allow for numeric only CRN searches. This accounts for systems (ie. phone) that do not have a method for capturing the letter at the end of a CRN.

Reminder Schedule

Following on from the last release notes, reminders can easily be grouped together and added to an employer in a few clicks.

No Expense Program Referral Type

When creating a new Program Referral Type, Expenses will not be created when the No Expense checkbox (indicated below) is selected.


  • ABN verification failing for some users.
  • Fixed mandatory fields when adding an expense. Activity or Expense ID will be mandatory, not both.

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