Services Module: Professional Services


Our platform now supports capturing Professional Services, integrating them seamlessly into the system. This enhancement allows for the listing and management of professional services for long-term unemployed individuals, enabling both expense claim submissions and activity tracking.


Unified Professional Services Tab:

  • The "Indigenous Mentoring Activities" tab has been renamed to "Professional Services."
  • This tab will list all professional services, including Allied Health activities.

Service Types Supported:

  1. Allied Health

Service Creation and Editing:

  • Users can create and edit services with the following information:
    • Professional Details:
      • Qualification: "Psychologist" or "Other Allied Health Professional" (mandatory)
      • Specialist Type: Optional field
      • AHPRA Number: Optional field
      • Title: Mandatory field
    • Service Details:
      • Date of Service
      • Consultant
      • Identified Barriers
      • Details of Intervention Provided
      • Confidential Notes: Available only to users considered professionals for the service type
      • Session Type: Options include "OHG5 – Group (2-5 jobseekers)," "OHG6 – Group (6-20 jobseekers)," "OHIN – Individual," and "OHINPH – Other Allied Health Individual Phone Session"
      • Appointment Date
      • Appointment Status: Options are "Did Not Attend" or "Attended Appointment"
        • If "Did Not Attend," the 'time spent in minutes' is set to 60 and locked
      • Document Attachments

Expense Creation:

  • Upon approval of a service, an expense is created:
    • Allied Health: Expense type is 'Professional Services'
  • Expense fields populated from service:
    • Title, First Name, Surname, Qualification Type, and Specialist Type

User Profile Updates:

  • New fields added to user profiles to support automatic information population:
    • Professional Services Qualification
    • Specialist Type
    • AHPRA Number
    • Title

Permissions and Approvals:

  • Configure permissions for creating and approving services per type.
  • Multiple users can approve Allied Health services based on user settings.
  • Expenses are created upon approval if the feature is enabled.

Professional Service Notes:

  • Notes are visible only to users with a linked professional service staff profile.
  • Notes column in the professional service activity tab shows the number of attached notes.
  • Users can add, edit, and delete notes within a modal showing all notes chronologically.

Implementation Details:

  • Settings for expense payment type invoice added in admin settings.
  • Professional Service Staff can manage notes and view service history.
  • Expense calculations based on service duration:
    • Allied Health: duration * 2.09
    • Psychologist: duration * 2.50

This functionality ensures that our platform effectively supports the management and tracking of Allied Health professional services, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of service provision and expense claims.

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