Job Ready Comms Module - Job Seeker Engagement Tracking for Vacancies

As a case manager, knowing whether a job seeker is engaged or not for particular vacancies is crucial for effective follow-up and ensuring that interested candidates are prioritised. The Job Ready Comms Module introduces features designed to streamline this process, including SMS notifications, automatic status updates, and visual indicators for job seeker engagement. 

Key Features 

  1. SMS Notification for Job Seeker Engagement 
    • SMS Button: A new SMS button is available within the referral tabs against a vacancy record. This allows case managers to send an SMS directly to job seekers, asking if they are interested in a specific vacancy. 

    • Customisable SMS: The SMS message can be customised, but this requires background configuration during implementation.

  2. Automatic Status Updates Based on Job Seeker Responses 

    • Positive Response ("Yes"): If a job seeker replies "Yes" to the SMS, their status will be automatically updated to a green tick, indicating they are engaged and interested in the position. 

    • Negative Response ("No") or No Response: If a job seeker replies "No" or 48 hours elapse without a response, their status will change to a red cross, indicating they are not interested or unresponsive. 

    • Pending Response: Before a job seeker replies or before 48 hours have passed, an hourglass symbol will be displayed, indicating the response is pending. 

    • No SMS Sent: If an SMS has not been sent, the status will remain blank. 

  3. Automated Response Capture in Job Ready 

    • Response Categories: 

      • Yes: The job seeker is engaged and interested. 

      • No: There has been no response or the job seeker is not interested. 

    • Flagging Interest: When a job seeker responds "Yes," the system will automatically flag them as interested in the position. 

  4. Recommendations Panel on Vacancy Index Page 

    Filter by Responses: The "Yes" and "No" responses will be available on the Recommendations panel on the Vacancy Index Page, allowing case managers to filter and review responses easily. 


  • Default Setting: Upon creating a new user, the default setting for this feature will be set to false. 
  • Organisation Leads Permission: There is a separate user permission for Organisation Leads. Users can have both permissions set to true if applicable. 

Implementation Notes 

The SMS feature requires background configuration, which will be handled during implementation. Please contact the Job Ready Support Team for assistance with customisation and setup. 


These enhancements to the Job Ready Comms Module provide case managers with valuable tools for tracking job seeker engagement with vacancies. The ability to send SMS notifications, automatically capture responses, and visually track engagement statuses streamlines the follow-up process, ensuring that interested job seekers are prioritised effectively. 

For further information or assistance, please contact the Job Ready Support Team. 

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