Job Ready Growth Module - Creating and Managing Employer Campaigns

Employer Campaigns provide an opportunity to advertise jobs and potentially create new ones. They also allow for the creation of vacancies directly from the campaign and link existing vacancies to the campaign. This feature is essential for capturing any referring vacancy that originates from an employer campaign.

Creating a New Employer Campaign

To create a new Employer Campaign, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "New Employer Campaign"
    • A new modal will appear with several fields to complete.
  2. Complete the following fields in the modal:
    • Campaign Name:
      • Enter a unique name for the campaign.
      • This is a mandatory field.
      • Note: Leading and trailing white spaces will be stripped automatically.
    • Organisation Name:
      • Select an employer from the drop-down search list.
      • Employers marked as "DO NOT USE" are excluded.
      • This field is not mandatory.
    • Account Manager:
      • Choose an account manager from the drop-down list of active user names.
      • This is a mandatory field.
    • Status:
      • Select the status of the campaign from the following options:
        • Open (default)
        • Closed
      • This is a mandatory field.
    • Objective:
      • Provide a brief description of the campaign's objective.
      • This field is not mandatory.
    • Contact Person:
      • Enter the name of the contact person for the campaign.
      • This is a mandatory field.
    • Contact Details:
      • Provide the contact details for the campaign.
      • This is a mandatory field.

        Note: When linking an Employer to the Campaign, contacts from the Employer Record will not be selected. Contact details will remain as free text inputs but will be stripped of leading and trailing white spaces.
  3. After completing the form:
    1. Click "Save" to create the campaign.
      Note: You will be redirected to the Employer Campaign details page after creating the campaign.

Post-Creation Actions

Once the Employer Campaign is created:

  • You can link existing vacancies to the campaign or create new vacancies directly associated with the campaign.
  • The system will capture any referring vacancy created as part of this campaign, ensuring proper tracking and management of all related opportunities.

This process enhances the ability to manage employer relationships and job opportunities effectively through targeted campaigns.

For further assistance, please contact the Job Ready Support Team.

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