Job Ready Service Module - Managing Queries

The Job Ready platform includes a comprehensive queries functionality that allows users to log and manage questions or concerns from job seekers. This feature is designed to facilitate the efficient handling of queries through a structured workflow, utilizing a Kanban board to track progress from submission to completion.

Functionality Overview

1. Standard User Functionality

  • Log Queries: Standard users can log job seeker queries without requiring any special permissions. This ensures that any issues or questions from job seekers can be quickly documented.

2. Internal Processing Team Functionality

  • Manage Queries: Members of an internal processing team can manage queries through to completion using a Kanban board. This process allows for organized tracking and resolution of each query.
  • Permissions Required: Managing queries and accessing the Kanban board require the "can manage queries" permission. This must be enabled for any roles that need access to these features.

Configuration and Workflow

1. Admin Settings Configuration

  • Query Types: Configuration of query types is required in the admin settings. This can be managed by any user with access to the admin settings, ensuring that the system is tailored to the organization’s specific needs.

2. Kanban Board Workflow

  • Workflow Stages: The query management process follows a standard Kanban workflow modelled after the CCU workflow, with the following statuses:
    • To Do
    • In Progress
    • Follow Up
    • Awaiting Info
    • Review Added Info
    • Closed
  • Display of Closed Queries: The Kanban board only displays closed queries within the past 7 days, maintaining focus on active and recently resolved queries.

3. Query State Transitions and Notifications

  • Follow Up
    • Description: Assignee is asked to add a follow-up date and comment, which creates a note against the query.
    • Transitions: Allowed from "Being Assessed by CPU" and "Additional Info Provided"; allowed to "Being Assessed by CPU," "Additional Info Required," or "Closed."
    • Email Notification: Yes.
  • Additional Info Required
    • Description: When additional information is needed, the query state is moved to "Additional Info Required."
    • Transitions: Allowed from "Follow Up," "Being Assessed by CPU," and "Additional Info Provided"; allowed to "Additional Info Provided."
    • Email Notification: Yes.
  • Additional Info Provided
    • Description: Notes are required when the state is moved to "Additional Info Provided."
    • Transitions: Allowed from "Additional Info Provided"; allowed to "Closed," "Additional Info Required," "Follow Up," or "Being Assessed by CPU."
    • Email Notification: Yes.
  • Closed
    • Description: When closing a query, a comment is required.
    • Transitions: Allowed from "Being Assessed by CPU," "Follow Up," and "Additional Info Provided"; no transitions allowed from "Closed."
    • Email Notification: Yes.

Additional Features

1. Audit History

  • Tracking Changes: Each query maintains a complete audit history of all changes, including the user who actioned each change. This ensures transparency and accountability throughout the query management process.

2. Review and Export Queries

  • All Queries Index Page: All logged queries can be reviewed and exported from the system via the "All Queries" index page. This provides a comprehensive overview for reporting and analysis.


The Job Ready queries functionality provides a robust framework for logging and managing job seeker queries. With configurable settings, a structured Kanban workflow, and detailed state transitions with email notifications, this feature ensures that queries are handled efficiently and effectively.

For further assistance with configuring or using the queries functionality, please contact the Job Ready Support Team.

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