Integrating Esher House with Job Ready via the Insight Module

The Job Ready Insight module provides seamless integration with your Esher House instance, enabling easy management of attitudinal surveys directly through the Job Seeker profile. This article outlines the steps involved in configuring the integration, managing survey credits and types, and utilizing the survey features within Job Ready.

Esher House Integration with Job Ready

1. Configuration and Setup

  • Integration Process: The integration between Job Ready and Esher House is configured entirely within your Esher House instance.
  • URL and Token Generation: During implementation, the Job Ready team will assist in generating a token and configuring the URL, which is necessary for establishing the connection between the systems.

2. Survey Management

  • Survey Credits and Types: All survey credits and survey types are managed directly within Esher House. You can allocate and manage these based on your specific needs through the Esher House platform.
  • Attitudinal Surveys: Esher House surveys can be actioned directly from the Job Seeker profile in Job Ready. Surveys can be sent via email or SMS to participants, making it easy to engage job seekers for assessments.

Using Esher House Surveys in Job Ready

1. Accessing the Surveys

  • Job Seeker Profile: On the Job Seeker profile, under the Attitudinal Survey tab, there is a visual display of the Activation Measurement, which provides a quick overview of the job seeker's engagement based on survey results.
  • Sending Surveys: From the Job Seeker panel, you can send surveys to participants via email or SMS. This allows for a streamlined approach to conducting surveys and gathering feedback from job seekers.

2. Survey Index Page

  • Filtering and Reporting: Job Ready includes a Survey Index Page, which allows users to filter, export, and report on surveys. This provides a comprehensive view of all surveys conducted within the system and helps with data analysis and reporting.

3. Survey Completion Notification

  • Email Notification: When a survey or assessment is completed, the creator of the assessment will be notified via email, ensuring they are kept informed about the progress and results of the surveys they manage.


The Job Ready Insight module's integration with Esher House simplifies the management and distribution of attitudinal surveys. By leveraging the features of both platforms, users can easily configure surveys, track engagement, and report on results, all while maintaining seamless communication with job seekers.

For assistance with the integration or to begin the implementation process, please reach out to the Job Ready Support Team.

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