Managing Leads within Job Ready

The Job Ready Leads Kanban board offers a comprehensive and visual tool for managing leads with a structured workflow.

The Kanban board uses a standard format, featuring the following statuses:

  • To Do: Backlog of new lead requests awaiting action.
  • In Progress: Leads that are currently being worked on.
  • On Hold: Leads that have encountered blockers or delays.
  • Converted: Leads that have successfully been converted into either Job Seekers or Organisations, depending on the lead type. All lead information is retained post-conversion.
  • Closed: Leads that have reached an end state but have not been converted.

Standard Workflow

  1. To Do: This panel acts as the backlog for all lead requests. Leads are added to this panel and await action.
  2. In Progress: When a lead is being worked on, it is moved to this status.
  3. On Hold: If there is any blocker preventing further action, the lead is placed on hold.
  4. Converted: When a lead is converted into a Job Seeker or Organisation, the process is complete. All lead data is carried over to the new record.
  5. Closed: If the lead doesn't progress further or is not converted, it is closed and marked as completed.

Colour Coding for Lead Status

Each lead on the Kanban board is colour-coded according to the number of days it remains in a specific status. These durations can be configured in the Admin Settings and can be customized separately for Customer Leads and Organisation Leads.

Leads Display Page

Each lead can be expanded into a detailed view on the Leads Display page. This page allows users to manage the lead effectively by:

  • Configuring Key Lead Details: Enter or modify information about the lead.
  • Completing Forms: Attach required forms related to the lead.
  • Adding Reminders, Notes, and Documents: Keep track of relevant information and documentation.
  • Contacting the Lead: Send emails or SMS messages directly from the display page.
  • Managing Lead Status: Update the lead’s current status in the workflow.

Filtering Leads

The Leads Kanban board allows users to filter leads in various ways, making it easier to manage and locate specific leads:

  • Organisation/Customer Leads: Filter based on whether the lead is associated with an organisation or a customer.
  • Leads & Customer Leads: Filter leads and customer leads separately.
  • Assignee: Filter leads by the individual responsible for handling the lead.

Admin Settings Customization

In the Admin Settings, you can:

  • Configure Kanban Status Colours: Set different status colours for customer and organisation leads.
  • Define Lead Workflow Settings: Adjust the durations for status-based colour coding and other workflow-specific details.

By using the Leads Kanban board, users can efficiently track, manage, and convert leads while having full control over lead-related tasks and communication. For further assistance, please reach out to the Job Ready Support Team. 

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