Configuring and Managing Progress Payments in Job Ready

This article provides a comprehensive guide on configuring and setting up Progress Payments for a provider in Job Ready. It covers the steps for user permissions, ESS subscription requirements, admin settings, and the process of managing jobseeker eligibility and submitting progress payments.

Configuration & Setup

1. User Permissions

  • To enable the Progress Payment Tab on the Jobseeker profile, the Claims Module must be assigned to a specific User Role. This User Role must then be assigned to individual users who need access.
  • Once these permissions are set, users will be able to view and manage progress payments on jobseekers.

2. ESS Subscription Requirement

  • Before activities can populate into Job Ready, providers need to set up their Activity Subscription for two ESS Subscription Reports.
  • This is managed via the ESS Subscription Panel in the Admin settings, and the user must have the 'ESS Subscriptions Admin (OSC)' permission.
  • Providers should follow the instructions in the Workforce Australia Subscriptions guide to set up the ESS subscription for production.
  • For staging environments, a Job Ready engineer will need to enable and sync the subscription.

3. Admin Settings and Setup

  • Once the ESS subscription has been successfully synced with Job Ready, the activities will begin to populate in the Progress Payment Eligibility Settings section within the Admin settings.
  • Administrators can configure which Activity Types from ESS are eligible for progress payments. These settings allow administrators to control the eligibility criteria based on their needs.

Managing Jobseeker Eligibility

Once the administrative setup is complete, activities will be tracked within the Jobseeker’s Progress Payment Tab. Users with access to the Claims Module can then initiate and manage progress payments.

1. Updating Activity Status

  • To initiate a progress payment, users can change the Activity Status from No Progress to Gathering Evidence.
  • Users can update activities with notes, attachments, and justifications by expanding the activity and completing the Justification field.

2. Submitting an Activity for Payment

  • When an activity is ready for submission, update its status to Ready for Claim.
  • Users can then proceed to create a progress payment by selecting eligible activities and submitting them for payment.

3. Creating a New Activity

  • If an activity needs to be added directly within Job Ready (not through ESS), users can click Create Activity and follow the same workflow for progress payments.

Submitting a Progress Payment

When ready to submit a progress payment:

  1. Select Eligible Activities: Choose at least two activities with associated justifications and a status of Ready for Claim.
  2. Submit to CCU: Once selected, click Submit to CCU to lodge the claim. This will submit all relevant documentation and notes to the CCU team for processing.
  3. CCU Kanban Processing: The claim will then be added to the CCU Kanban Board for review and further action by the department.

Progress Payment Reporting

Progress Payment reporting is available through various filters that help users track and analyze payment status and likelihood.

1. Key Reporting Elements

  • Jobseeker Search Page:
    • Progress Payment Status: Reflects the current status of the activities or claims related to the progress payment.
    • Progress Payment Likelihood: Indicates the number of eligible activities available for a jobseeker that have not yet been submitted to CCU.
  • All Claims Search Page:
    • Claim Type & Statuses: Helps filter and view claims based on their type and current processing status.


By following these steps, providers can efficiently configure, manage, and report on Progress Payments within Job Ready. For further assistance, contact the Job Ready Support Team.

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