Managing DES Wage Histories in Job Ready

In Job Ready, Wage Histories play a critical role in tracking the progress of DES Placements. This guide will walk you through adding and managing wage histories, ensuring accurate tracking of outcomes based on the hours and earnings for each placement period. Understanding how to properly handle Wage Histories is essential for meeting DES Outcome Requirements and maintaining accurate records.

Adding a Wage History Record

Adding Wage History Records in Job Ready is essential for tracking the placement progress of participants. Each wage history must reflect the pay period and accurately link to the relevant weeks of the placement.

Steps to Add a Wage History Record

  1. Navigate to the DES Placement Profile: Open the profile of the participant for whom you are adding wage history.
  2. Click the New Wage History Button: This will prompt a form to fill out payslip information.
  3. Complete the Pay Period Information: If the pay period spans multiple weeks, ensure that you add a wage history entry for each week. Job Ready simplifies this by allowing you to Save and Add Another.
  4. Assign the Payslip to Specific Weeks: Once the pay period is selected, you will be given options to choose the weeks to which the payslip applies. After saving, the weeks will update with the correct wage information.

Key Considerations for Wage Histories

  • Each week must be correctly associated with a corresponding payslip if the pay period spans multiple weeks.
  • Wage Histories directly impact Outcome Tracking by determining if a participant is on track to meet the required hours for a Full or Partial outcome.

Outcome Tracking Based on Wage Histories

Job Ready tracks DES Outcomes not by individual weekly hours or earnings but by the total number of hours required over the Outcome Period. This is calculated based on the participant's Placement Benchmark Hours and updates automatically as each week progresses.

Outcome Types

  • Full Outcome: The placement is meeting all required hours, based on the wage histories entered.
  • Partial Outcome: Some progress has been made, but the participant hasn’t met the full hours requirement.
  • No Outcome: Insufficient hours have been entered for the placement period.

Tracking Status

As wage histories are applied, the system continuously updates the tracking status, which can fluctuate between:

  • At Risk: Insufficient hours to meet the outcome requirements.
  • Partial: The placement is on its way but hasn’t yet met the required hours.
  • Full: The placement has met the required hours for the outcome.

Permissible Breaks and Wage Histories

In some cases, participants may take an approved Permissible Break during their placement. When this occurs, it is crucial to apply the break to ensure that wage histories are adjusted accordingly.

Steps to Apply a Permissible Break

  1. Click the Permissible Break button at the top of the participant’s placement profile.
  2. Enter the Break Type, Start Date, End Date, and any required attachments as evidence.
  3. Provide the Reason for the break.
  4. If needed, add multiple breaks using the Add Break button.

Impact on Wage Histories

Permissible Breaks will automatically adjust the Outcome Period within the wage histories, extending the period to account for the break. This ensures that the Outcome Tracking is accurate and that due dates for future outcomes are pushed back by the duration of the break.

Wage Histories and DES Outcomes

The Wage History data directly affects the participant’s eligibility for different outcome types within Job Ready. DES Outcome tracking is based on the total number of hours logged over the placement period. This ensures that the placement is progressing toward its expected outcomes, whether it be Full, Partial, or At Risk.

Wage histories are essential in determining:

  • Whether the placement is on track for a successful outcome.
  • How each week contributes to the overall progress of the placement.
  • Any potential permissible breaks that need to be accounted for in the wage tracking.

Electronic Verification Forms (EVF)

Using the data collected from wage histories, Job Ready allows users to generate Electronic Verification Forms (EVF), which are essential for documenting wages and tracking DES placement outcomes.

Creating EVF Forms

  1. Job Ready utilizes a list of merge fields to pull wage data directly from the Wage History section.
  2. The forms are generated as PDF documents and are managed using the Files Library functionality within the system.

EVFs provide official documentation that can be used for internal reporting or submitted as evidence to meet DES placement requirements.


Accurate management of Wage Histories is essential for tracking DES placements and ensuring that outcome requirements are met. By regularly updating wage information and accounting for permissible breaks, users can ensure that the participant’s placement is on track. For further assistance, please reach out to the Job Ready Support Team.

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