This article will guide you through using Bulk Data Facility (BDF) for DES
Sub 26 – Job Seeker personal details. E.g. postal address, name, age, date of extract from DEEWR.
Sub 27 – (DES only) Referral Phase e.g. Ongoing support, Pending, Funding Level, Suspended, Transferred, Exited. The Disability Employment Services (DES) Caseload report contains information on events during a job seeker’s time with a provider whilst in the DES program. This report includes current and exited caseload information displaying only a select number of fields for job seekers with an exited status, these fields are noted in the glossary. Exited information will be available for a period of 28 days after the exit date.
Sub 34 – (DES only) 13 week and 26 week outcomes, placements. The DES Placement Tracking report allows DES providers to monitor the placement and related claim status of participants into vacancies or education activities. The provider is able to monitor the progress of a job seeker in a education/vacancy placement as the report includes data on the participation hours, dates and contact details for the placement.
Sub 138 – (DES only) The Disability Employment Services Claim report provides a full history of claims/payments created against either, or both of, the DES Disability Management Service or DES Employment Support Service contracts in ESS.
Sub 40 – Employer data. The Employer subscription report provides employer details for employers associated with your organisation.
Sub 43 – Vacancy type, Employer ID, Job ID, Vacancy Status. Vacancy report The Vacancy Report provides information on the vacancies your organisation has created. Only vacancies created or inactivated since July 01, 2009 are included in this report. The data included in this report is refreshed daily and will not contain data from the current day. This is a multi-level report. A site-level summary will be provided initially, from which users can then drill down into the individual vacancy data.
Sub 44 – (DES) DES program type code E.G. DMS Claims amount, Claim number, Claim ID. The Disability Employment Services (DES) Remittance Advice report provides information about payments claimed in ESS and paid through CONNECT to assist in the effective management of the Disability Management Service and Employment Support Service.
Sub 146 – (DES only) DES Appointments. The DES Appointment report lists all DES appointments in the time period selected. The session ID is included in both this and the DES Session Availability reports to allow providers to join the data once downloaded.