Enable finance user permissions in Admin settings

Why is this important?

Job Ready takes security and efficacy seriously. For that reason, some users simply are not qualified to access certain areas of the site. We rely on permissions to control the access to certain finance functionality.

So many incredible finance features in job ready are ready to be unleashed to your users...but they might be blocked from using them! That's why checking you have set up the correct finance permissions is an essential step to getting the most out of your site.



How it works

Permissions are individually activated in the staff member's individual user profile, depending on what they are privileged to access. These privileges will depend on your organisation's internal hierarchy, and workflow.

List of permissions and roles

The below permissions and roles enable you to perform various finance-related actions in job ready. 

Review the list to see what might be applicable to your staff. 



  1. Role:
    • Finance role
      • The role of finance is for finance team staff members that do not have caseloads and do not have any contact with jobseekers.
      • They are blocked out of viewing jobseeker records.
      • They can:
        • update the finance status of claims 
        • update invoices
        • edit expenses once they are approved
        • Have access to employer CRM, and expenses only.
    • User role
      • Basic user access. Most of your staff will have this role.
      • They can:
        • Create an expense 
        • Edit an expense before approval or rejection
        • Create a supplier purchase order
        • Download a purchase order PDF
    • Admin Role
      • Admins are the key administrators of your organisation. They have all user role privileges. In addition, they can:
        • Configure expense types, purchase order templates and other expense settings
        • Edit and upload an invoice 
        • Export expense claims for commitment and reimbursement (jobactive only)

  2. Delegate: Defines another user who has the authority to approve expenses on their behalf.

  3. User permissions




    Can approve own expenses

    Finance – Expense generation and approval

    Can approve any expenses the user created themselves. Does not have to be approved by a second party.

    Can cancel expense

    Finance - Expense generation and approval

    Allows cancellation of expense records

    Can export data


    Allows exporting of data from list pages into a csv. file

    Expense Master Editor

    Finance - Expense generation and approval

    Allows full editing of expense records post approval

    Second Approver

    Finance - Expense generation and approval

    Can approve or reject expense records after they have passed the first round of approval

    Expense Delegation

    Finance - Expense generation and approval

    Cost limit that the user can approve expense requests up to. If an expense total cost exceeds the limit the user will not be available for selection as an approver. How to Enable finance user permissions in Admin settings

    How to Enable finance user permissions in Admin settings

    How to Enable finance user permissions in Admin settings

    You will Need:

    • Admin Access

      1. Click on the settings cog icon at the top of the Job Ready main menu to access Admin settings 
      2. Click on Users
      3. Navigate to the user you want to activate the permission for
      4. In the role field, Select admin, or Finance, if it applies. 
      5. In the permissions section, tick the permissions you wish to activate for that user or untick to deactivate access. 
      6. Enter the Expense Delegation amount.
        • If an expense total equals or is below this Expense Delegation amount, this user can be selected as an approver for that expense. 
        • If an expense total exceeds this Expense Delegation amount, this user cannot be chosen as an approver for that expense.
      7. Tick 'Define per programme and/or wage subsidy expense type' to set different approval limits for        wage subsidy expenses, and different approval limits for all other expenses.

  4. Enter the Approval limit for wage subsidy expenses under TRUE, next to the applicable program. 
  5. Enter the Approval limit for all other expenses under FALSE, next to the applicable program.  


Well done! You're ready for the next step.

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