Why is this important?
Expense data in the system is one thing, but you'll also need to send purchase orders to suppliers so that they can process their orders.
Downloading the purchase order saves the hassle of having to redo a purchase order outside the system in your own preferred format. It saves you so much time!
How it works
The purchase order template gets uploaded into Admin settings.
From there, users simply navigate to an existing expense - or supplier purchase order - and download the pdf with all the information there, just one click away!
How to download a purchase order PDF
In order to download a purchase order in job-ready you will need to have created the below steps:
- Create a general expense OR Create a supplier purchase order
- Create a purchase order template
- Upload a Purchase Order template in admin settings
- Go to Expenses
- Apply filter > Status > select ‘Approved’
- Click on the eyeball of the desired expense.
- Expenses that are linked to supplier purchase orders will appear with an eye button wrapped in a green box.
- Click on the eye button
- You will be given a choice to select the supplier purchase order container that houses the expense, or the individual expense.
- Navigate to the toolbar of the expense or supplier purchase order, and select Purchase Order
- Select Download.
- Downloading from an Expense will pull from the ‘expense’ template
- Downloading from a Supplier Purchase Order will pull from the supplier purchase order’ template
Downloading a purchase order after the template has been updated
If you happen to edit the purchase order templates in admin settings at any time after you have downloaded this purchase order. And you want to re-download with the new updated template:
- Go to the toolbar of the approved expense
- Select Purchase order
- Choose recreate
- Click on Purchase order again
- Select download.
This will pull from the latest template version.
- There is no need to click on recreate from now on if you wish to download it again, as it has recalibrated to the new template already.
- From now on, you may just Select download each time you wish to download the purchase order.
Excellent work. Want to do more?
Consider Emailing it to an existing supplier in Job Ready!
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