Full list of Quest form tags


Why is this important?

Quest tags are the link between Job Ready and Quest. They let the system know which form to activate, and where.

Once a tag has been added, a user can successfully complete a form.

Tags are hard-coded links that you can apply to your Quest Forms to display them in desired locations in Job Ready.

It depends on which tag you end up using!

How do they work?

Tags are added in the Form's settings. 

You can add tags to a form by clicking on the form > Actions > Edit form.

Simply Paste the tag from list below in the Tags field.

See Create a Quest form for instructions on how to tag your Quest form. 


Record typeTag FunctionTagProgramme
Job Seeker Allows the form to be completed from a Job Seeker recordneptune-jobseekerAll


Allows the form to be completed from an Employer record



EmployerAllows a form to be offered from the Employer show page toolbar. Form will be called "Employer Profile" in the toolbar.Job Ready to configure. Get in touch with your Job Ready contact or contact Freshdesk. All
EmployerAllows the form to be completed from an employer's Contact record



Placement Allows the form to be completed from a placement recordneptune-placementAll
Placement Allows a Post Placement Support  form to be completed from a DES Placement > Support panel > Action > After jobseeker PSS contact is submittedneptune-des-pps-jobseekerDES
Placement Allows a Post Placement Support  form to be completed from a DES Placement > Support panel > Action > After employer PSS contact is submitted



Placement Allows a Post Placement Support  form to be completed from a Workforce Australia Placement > Support panel > Action > After jobseeker PSS contact is submittedneptune-wa-jobseekerWorkforce Australia

Allows a Post Placement Support  form to be completed from a Workforce Australia Placement > Support panel > Action > After employer PSS contact is submitted

Requires additional configuration: see 

neptune-wa-employerWorkforce Australia
VacancyAllows the form to be completed from an employer's Vacancy record
Ongoing Support

Allows a Ongoing Support  form to be completed from a JobActive Placement > Support panel > Action > After jobseeker after Ongoing Support contact is submitted



Ongoing Support

Allows an Ongoing Support  form to be completed from a JobActive Placement > Support panel > Action > After employer after Ongoing Support contact is submitted









< Back: End to End: How to create Quest Forms


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