This article will outline the necessary steps you will take to update a CCU claim in Job Ready .
- On your home screen under 'Finance' Select 'All Claims'
- On the Claims page you can view a history of claims
- To search for your desired claim select '+ Add Filter' to search for the desired claim
- When you have found the desired claim on the right hand side of the claims line hover over 'View' and select either 'Placement' or 'Claim'
- There are two ways you can proceed to update your claim.
- Method 1 - Select 'Placement'
- This will take you to the Placements page for the jobseeker, where you can view all the placements related to the jobseeker
- On the left hand side of this page scroll down and select 'Claims'
- This will bring you to view the history of claims for the Job Seeker
- Find the desired claim and on the right hand side select 'Update Claim State'
- From the the options below scroll down to 'Closed' then 'Cancelled'
- In this window fill out all necessary fields and select 'Update Claim State'
- In the claims history you will see the claim has been updated as 'Cancelled'
- To reinstate the claim select 'Reinstate' on the right hand side of the placement line
- Fill out all mandatory fields in this section and select 'Reinstate Claim'
- From here the claim will appear in the tracking state.
- Please action as required.
- This will take you to the Placements page for the jobseeker, where you can view all the placements related to the jobseeker
- Method 2 - Select 'Claim'
- This will bring you to the Outcome Claim page.
- From here select 'Update Claim State'
- In this window fill out all mandatory fields and select 'Update Claim State'
- In the Outcome Claim window you will see that the claim has been marked as 'Cancelled'
- To reinstate the claim select 'Reinstate'
- Fill out all mandatory fields in this window and select 'Reinstate Claim'
- In the Outcome Claim window you will wee that the claim has been reinstated and you can action as required.
- Method 1 - Select 'Placement'