Site List

The Site List allows you to modify a Site's details in Job Ready.


  1. Contract ID and sequence number generates the Expense XML generated by Job Ready when exporting your expenses for Commitment into ESS. Generally this has been set up by your Job Ready administrator, so please do not modify this field unless you are fully aware of the implications.
  2. Site Manager nominates a User as a Site Manager. Updating a Site Manager would affect certain features, such as export fields, receiving emails on expense approvals or indigenous mentoring approvals.
  3. Cluster and Region are Site Groupings. These features are used to put sites into groupings, and it affects the reports that these entities exist in. It also affects certain filters and export results.

Note: The Active flag is used to determine which sites are active. When inactive, a site will cease to appear in certain areas of Job Ready, such as drop downs when creating an Expense. 

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