Job Ready allows the user to create a hierarchy for the employers entered in your system. Meaning that you can enter a National Employer then link a Regional Employer to the national employer, then link an Employer to the Regional employer. Therefor, creating a hierarchy for your employers.
Wesfarmers - National Employer
Coles, Victoria - Regional Employer
Coles, Camberwell - Employer
Outlined below are the steps to follow to create a hierarchy of your employers.
Note: If you have already created a National Employer, Regional Employer and an Employer please go to step 2.
- Create a National Employer.
- Select New National Employer
- Fill out all mandatory fields and select Create National Company
- Create a Regional Employer
- Select New Regional Employer
- Fill out all mandatory fields and select Create Regional Company
- Note: To add a Regional Employer a Region must be entered in Job Ready prior to Creating a Regional Company. Please go to the Employer Regions article.
- Select New Regional Employer
- Create an Employer
- Select New Employer
- Fill out all mandatory fields and select Save Employer
- Now Job Ready will house a National Employer, Regional Employer and an Employer.
- Select New Employer
- Select New National Employer
- Linking a National Employer to a Regional Employer.
- Select the National Employer you wish to create the hierarchy for.
- In the National Employer profile scroll down to the index list and select Regional Employers.
- Here will be a list of linked Regional Employers. To add a Regional Employer select +.
- In the New Linked Regional Employer window search for the Regional Employer you wish to link.
- Then select Link Employer.
- Then select Link Employer.
- The Regional Employers index will display the recently linked employer.
- Job Ready will notify you of success of the process with the below message displayed in the top right hand side of your screen.
- Job Ready will notify you of success of the process with the below message displayed in the top right hand side of your screen.
- Select the National Employer you wish to create the hierarchy for.
- Link a Regional Employer to an Employer
- Select the Regional Employer you wish to create the hierarchy for.
In the Regional Employer profile scroll down to the index list and select Site Employers. - Here will be a list of linked Site Employers. To add a Site Employer select +.
- In the New Linked Site Employer window search for the Site Employer you wish to link.
- Then select Link Employer.
- Then select Link Employer.
- The Site Employers index will display the recently linked employer.
- Job Ready will notify you of success of the process with the below message displayed in the top right hand side of your screen.
- This process has linked a National Employer, Regional Employer and (Site) Employer.
- At any stage you wish to Unlink employers, simply select Unlink adjacent to the affected Employer name.
- Job Ready will notify you of success of the process with the below message displayed in the top right hand side of your screen.
- Job Ready will notify you of success of the process with the below message displayed in the top right hand side of your screen.
- Select the Regional Employer you wish to create the hierarchy for.