Configuring and Implementing KPIs and Objectives in Job Ready

Job Ready offers a streamlined way to configure and manage KPIs and Objectives through its admin settings. This article will guide you through the process of configuring KPIs, understanding their components, and applying them to employer profiles.


Accessing KPIs and Objectives Configuration

The KPIs and Objectives configuration can be found within the admin settings of Job Ready. Follow these steps to access the configuration:

  1. Navigate to Account Management Plan: Within the admin settings, locate the "Account Management Plan" tab. This is where you can configure KPIs and Objectives.

  2. Add KPI and Set Target: Inside the "Account Management Plan" tab, you can add various KPIs and set their targets. Each KPI configuration includes:
    • Target Title: Define the title or name of the target.
    • Target Percentile: Set the target value as a percentile.
    • Active/Inactive Checkbox: This checkbox determines whether the KPI is active or inactive.


KPI Configuration and Applicability

KPIs serve as measurable metrics that reflect an organisation's performance. They provide quantifiable insights into an organization's progress towards its objectives. The KPI configuration includes key elements such as target titles, target percentiles, and active/inactive status.

The active/inactive status is crucial as it dictates whether the KPI can be utilized in different scenarios:

  • Active KPIs: These KPIs can be entered against objectives and are available for use in employer profiles.
  • Inactive KPIs: Inactive KPIs are not accessible for data entry against objectives or employer profiles. This is useful when you want to temporarily exclude a specific KPI from consideration.


Practical Application of KPIs and Objectives

Consider an example where KPIs and Objectives are applied: Suppose your organisation offers assistance to employers, but they need to meet specific criteria. The KPIs can be configured to reflect these criteria, such as revenue thresholds or employee counts. These KPIs, when met, indicate the eligibility of employers for assistance. Objectives, in this scenario, could represent broader goals like fostering sustainable partnerships.


Managing KPIs and Objectives

KPIs and Objectives can be seamlessly applied and managed through an employer's profile in Job Ready. Once configured, these metrics can be tracked in real-time, providing valuable insights into organizational performance and progress.

Inputting Actual Data

To accurately measure progress, the actual data corresponding to KPIs can be entered. By pressing the "Edit" button within the respective KPI or Objective, Job Ready users can input the actual data achieved, facilitating comprehensive tracking and analysis.


Configuring and managing KPIs and Objectives in Job Ready enhances your organisation's ability to monitor progress and make informed decisions. By understanding the process of KPI configuration, utilising their applicability, and leveraging the potential of Objectives, you can effectively track performance.

If you encounter any challenges or need further assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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