Automated Job Matching & Location-Based Filtering

Automated Job Matching in the system is designed to enhance the recruitment process by providing job placement officers with the most relevant candidates for each vacancy. This feature is visible on both vacancy and job seeker profiles. It calculates a "match rate" between a job seeker and a vacancy, ensuring that the best potential candidates are recommended.

Job Seeker Match Rate:

The match rate for job seekers is determined by comparing key Job Match attributes (from the job seeker’s profile) with the corresponding fields in the vacancy. The match percentage calculation includes several critical fields that ensure the most suitable candidates are shortlisted. The fields considered for this calculation are as follows:

Vacancy Modal Fields:

  • Licence Requirements: Whether the job requires specific licenses.
  • Transport Requirements: If transport is necessary for the role.
  • Work Type: The nature of the job (e.g., full-time, part-time, or contract).

Employer Modal Fields:

  • ANZIC Code: The industry classification code related to the job.
  • ANZIC Code (Secondary): A second industry code that may further classify the employer’s sector.

Location-Based Filtering:

In addition to the match percentage, the system automatically filters suggested job seekers based on location. This prevents irrelevant candidates from being considered for positions that are not geographically suitable. The filter operates as follows:

  • The job seekers displayed are auto-filtered by site and region, so only those associated with relevant areas are considered for the vacancy.

  • The system uses the site linked to the job seeker and other sites linked to the region to manage this filtering. This ensures that suggested candidates are geographically appropriate for the job.

Manual Adjustments:

Job placement officers can remove or modify the location-based filter if they wish to broaden or narrow the candidate pool.

Automatic Refresh:

When a job placement officer recommends a job seeker to a vacancy, the page automatically refreshes. Upon this refresh, new job seekers that meet the updated criteria are recommended in the table. This keeps the system dynamic and responsive to changes in job seeker profiles and vacancy details.

Key Benefits:

Efficient Matching: Only relevant candidates are recommended, saving time for placement officers.

Location Relevance: Auto-filtering by location ensures geographic suitability, with manual override options available for broader searches.

Automatic Updates:

System refreshes ensure new job seekers are continuously evaluated and recommended in real-time.

This combination of job match attributes and location filtering streamlines the recruitment process, ensuring both efficiency and accuracy in job seeker placement.

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