Enabling Reports for Roles in Job Ready

The Reports feature in Job Ready empowers users with detailed insights into performance and outcomes across various areas of your organisation. From tracking key metrics at individual, site, or regional levels to analysing trends, reports are essential for making data-driven decisions and optimising your operations.

Admins can tailor access to suit different user roles, ensuring that every team member has the right level of visibility for their responsibilities.

To enable access to reports for specific roles, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to User Roles Settings

    • Log into Job Ready with admin access.
    • Navigate to Admin Settings.

    • Select Users & Roles.

  2. Select the Role You Want to Edit

    • Under the Roles section, find and select the role for which you want to enable reports for.
    • Click Edit Role.

  3. Enable the Desired Report Permission

    • In the modal that appears, scroll down to the Reports section.
    • Find the desired report permission.
    • Toggle the permission to enable access to the report for users assigned to this role.

  4. Save Your Changes and View Reports

    • After enabling the permission, ensure you save the changes to update the role’s configuration.
    • The toggled report can then be found at the bottom of the Reports sidebar.

If you encounter any issues enabling this feature or have any questions, please contact our support team for assistance.

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