Alerts Dashboard Overview


What is the Alerts Dashboard?

The Alerts Dashboard is a dashboard that has been made available to users of your organisation that groups records from Job Ready List pages using the saved search function to create Alerts against specified criteria. 

There are a few steps to follow to set this up. The first step, if you do not yet have access to this feature, is to reach out to the Job Ready Support Team or your Customer Success Manager after reading the following article. They will ensure your organisation is set up and ready to use this feature. The rest of the steps can be found below. 

If you have this function turned on, you may notice some Interface changes within the Dashboard itself. We have iterated on the design of this dashboard with a more user-centric design to make it easier to follow. 

Saved Searches

To create an Alert, you must first be an Administrator or User with access to the Admin Dashboard. 

As an Administrator, you can create saved searches in Job Ready list pages that do not use calculations to determine additional values. Examples of these list pages are your Jobseeker, Employers, Placements, Expenses, Claims, Notes, Appointments and many more. 

As these are going to be created as alerts, you want to use filters that will have a set of criteria that can allow for new data to be added (such as a date range) as well as data points that can remove the records from the alert, like a tag or an action. 

An example of this may be Expenses Approved within a particular month (or date range relevant to today, e.g. last 30 days) without an invoice. 

The filter set in the image above defines multiple ways for the alert to update.

  • The expenses older than 30 days ago will drop off this alert.
  • Expenses that have an Invoice attached will drop off this alert.
  • Expenses that are not approved will not show on this alert.

Once this is saved as a saved search, this can then be setup as an Alert.

Creating and Editing Alerts in Admin Settings

As an Administrator, go to the Admin Settings via the Cog to the top left and search or scroll down the left hand menu to find the Alerts menu.

Creating a new Alert

To create a new Alert, click on the + button at the top of this page. Here you will be taken to a popup screen allowing you to enter the details of the Alert.

  1. Give the Alert a Name that is relevant to what you are trying to get the user to action.
  2. Select the Saved search that you created earlier to use as the Alert criteria.
  3. Set the Priority of the Alert (BAU, Priority, Critical). This will play a visual role later when using the Alerts Dashboard.
  4. Choose which Programme this is applicable for. Note that this does not filter records to this programme, this allows for the Alert to be seen by the user roles selected with access to this Programme.
  5. Select the User Roles that this alert is relevant for.

Once this is done, click on Create Alert. The Alert should now be shown in the list view.

Editing an Existing Alert

To edit existing Alerts, click on the Edit button. This will show the same screen you saw when creating a new Alert.

If a Saved Search has been deleted by the original User, the Saved Search will need to be recreated or the Alert may become inaccessible. 

Using the Alerts Dashboard

To Navigate to the Alerts Dashboard, click on Alerts at the top of the left-hand menu.

You will then be taken to the Alerts Dashboard.

The Alerts Dashboard will show a summary at the top of the page of each of the Priority Alerts (BAU, Priority, Critical).

You can search specifically for an Alert by the Alert Name, as well as being able to see Alerts that are visible to other users.

To action these Alerts, you can click on the count next to the Alert. Clicking on the count will take you to the saved search that was reflected when creating the Alert. You can then perform the action and update Job Ready to reflect that Alert being actioned.

Once these Alerts are complete and they no longer meet the search criteria (for our example earlier, we have uploaded the Invoice into the expense), this will remove the record from the saved search and subsequently remove that record from our Alert on the dashboard.

Please note. If DES alerts are also enabled, the alerts will override any DES alerts displayed in the Jobseeker page.

Thanks for reading! If you have any further questions on the Alerts Dashboard, please raise a ticket with the Job Ready Support Team or contact your Customer Success Manager.

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